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[모집공고] LH 달팽이집 수유동(서울) , 송내동(부천) 입주신청bit.ly/LH달팽이집입주신청 설명회 참여bit.ly/LH달팽이집_설명회 교육 참여bit.ly/민달팽이예비조합원 가입bit.ly/민쿱 자세한 정보는?http://minsnailunion.tistory.com/652 문의는?카카오톡 친구추가 @민달팽이주택협동조합 민달팽이주택협동조합 조합원 가입 bit.ly/민쿱민달팽이주택협동조합 교육신청 bit.ly/민달팽이예비조합원 LH 달팽이집 설명회 참여신청 bit.ly/LH달팽이집_설명회LH 달팽이집 입주신청 bit.ly/LH달팽이집입주과정 2016. 10. 20.
[INVITATION] Adequate Housing For youth, By youth and Of youth Every country in the world has people who face problems and disadvantages in housing issues.Every country in the world has young people who face problems when they enter the ‘real world’ and begin their lives as citizens. In South Korea, these two issues are combined into one major issue: youth facing housing problems. Various structural and social problems in Korea block youth from the right to.. 2016. 10. 17.
[English] Introduction of Minsnail Union Minsnail Union is a civic organization formed by young people to solve housing issues that today’s young generation faces in South Korea. Minsnail Union work for building non-profit housing models, improving systemic housing conditions, and striving for Youth residential right and Housing inequality. Currently there are 800 members joined in Minsnail Union. Introduction of Minsnail UnionForming .. 2016. 10. 12.
UN 해비타트 3차 회의를 소개합니다. 2016. 10. 12.