Minsnail Union is a civic organization formed by young people to solve housing issues that today’s young generation faces in South Korea. Minsnail Union work for building non-profit housing models, improving systemic housing conditions, and striving for Youth residential right and Housing inequality. Currently there are 800 members joined in Minsnail Union.
Introduction of Minsnail Union
- Forming the group of young people to tackle the young people's housing problems
Minsnail Union was established in 2011 by the young people who felt housing issues of the young is severe in the society and were eager to try to solve this by themselves. They focused on protecting and guaranteeing the urban and housing right of the young with the voice of the young people by forming the group of the young. For the past years, they do housing consulting, policy research & development, advocacy activities, campaigning for the housing right of the young and underprivileged, and the program to train the young housing consultant. The Union is regarded as a preeminent and active organization in this field.
- Establishment of housing cooperative and Supplying social housing
Beyond the advocacy, the Minsnail Unions set up the concrete plan for the young who are suffered from living in the affordable house by making housing cooperative (Minsnail Housing Cooperative) and providing social housing called 'Minsnail House'. It was done through the governance among different stakeholders including the public body like Seoul City and Korea Social Investment. The Minsnail Union set a example for housing cooperative and social housing for the young in South Korea.
- Youth policy establishment and Forming the platform, voluntarily organized by the young through the governance with Seoul Metropolitan Government.
In Seoul, in the past few years, the young people tried to raise their voice as an active citizen and reflect their right in the policy. In the partnership with Seoul Metropolitan Government, 'Seoul Youth Policy Network' was initiated as a vehicle for the young to propose policies and participate in policy making related to the young people's issue. Minsnail Union is a significant stakeholder in this network and Ms. KyungJi Lim, the chairperson of the Minsnail Union is co-chairperson of 'Seoul Youth Policy Committee' taking responsibility of monitoring the young policies of Seoul Metropolitan Government. As a result of this, the interesting attempts are undergoing in Seoul City like setting up 'Youth Basic Ordinance' that is the first in South Korea and Youth Assembly has been held since last year with the attendance of Mayor of Seoul City. Thanks to this, Youth guarantee and Youth support policy are being discussed actively.
Apart from Seoul Metropolitan Government, Minsnail Union has been talking with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport as one of the politic partners.